Oh My Goodness! You are already here, looking at this.
Truth is, I really meant to get to this sooner, but, well, you know, someday I will have time, and then, oops, the website is going live and all I have is a bunch of thoughts about how it should look, and how it should work, and what I should plan…
What this is about is a site to promote and track your ‘someday’ project. Why? Because ‘Someday’ has a date! The nature of ‘Someday’ is that there isn’t just one someday, but an infinite number of somedays. In fact, it is the unspecified nature that is both the allure of someday as the target date for doing something, and the problem with nailing your project to someday.
What is happening in parallel to this website’s germination is a nationwide – ne worldwide – campaign to declare the 5th Sunday in a month to be that month’s Someday. It turns out that most years have 4 or 5 such Somedays. See the calendar of the next dozen Somedays here. ( I’ll put the link up any day now )
So now that Someday has existence in time, all of a sudden your Someday project gets a life and can actually be completed. That is where this website gets to be useful – essential, even. By having a place where you can declare all your someday projects and promises, and share the hopes and dreams you have for that project, it gets to be real. Then, you can pick one (or more!) Somedays by which it will be done.
Because there will be many other projects listed (and while you can keep yours private, or only visible to friends or people you share it with, it is much more powerful to share openly what you are up to!) a magic synergy will naturally arise out of this maelstrom of possibility hovering right on the edge of reality. Specifically, actually being realized on a very specific Someday! There really is something magical about taking action on a dream project, or even completing on something that has been put off for a while.
Another way to think about this is to imagine it as a project management site where projects get to be tracked and detailed, but the end date is, while not indeterminate, fluid – after all, there is anther Someday no more than 3 months away – or maybe even 29 days.
Other aspects that will be tracked are things like how long you have been procrastinating on a given project, what excuses you have used to not take action, listing the ineffective actions you have taken, or the false starts and abandoned versions of the project that litter your mind, attention or garage shelves. For that matter, it is also a place where you can discover new tactics for procrastinating, if you’ve run out of excuses of your own…
For the time being, all that will be here is this introduction, and the option to leave comments.
As interest is gathered, and talent is identified to work on fleshing out the concept and ideas, more and more features will be rolled out, and it will take on more of the form hinted at above. And beyond, most likely. Or something completely new and different.
This is April 2019. The next Someday is June 30 and after that September 29. Next year will have a full complement of 5 Somedays. The numbering convention will be Someday 1/2019, Someday 2/2019, etc.
Days to SomeDay 2/2019
Countdown to SomeDay 3/2019
SomeDay, I’m going to volunteer at …
Sponsored Charity Projects – fulfill on people’s SomeDay thought that they’d like to help out at a charity build or drive or event.
Hello world! SomeDay is here!
Hi, This is remarkable – I am the creative spark behind this site, but the flames are spreading and there will be a raging inferno of contribution I will be eagerly fanning and fueling! If you are enticed or intrigued by this whole idea and want to participate, great!...